town of livingston Building officials
Call before you build

The Town of Livingston has contracted the South Central Planning & Development Council (SCPDC) to be the official Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officers of the Town. We will work closely with SCPDC to make sure your new construction or addition is up to code and make the building process as smooth as possible.

SCPDC has a staff of highly qualified and certified individuals which include 3 Master Code Professionals, 4 Certified Building Officials, and several Residential and Commercial Combination Inspectors. They are all well versed in the Statewide Building Codes and continue to participate in and follow all changes to the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code. The Louisiana Legislature enacted Act 12 of the 2005 First Extraordinary Session to provide for a state uniform construction code to govern new construction, reconstruction, additions to homes previously built to the International Residential Code, extensive alterations, and repair of buildings and other structures and the installation of mechanical devices and equipment therein. 


Contact Us:

20550 Circle Drive
P.O. Box 430
Livingston, LA 70754
(225) 686-7153

[email protected]



Town of Livingston